
No Thoughts Magazine.

"Polaroids In My Head" Marek Stelmaszyk

"Polaroids In My Head" Marek Stelmaszyk

You. In a shirt. Way too big.
Hair in your face, in the background palm trees, gone today.

Our song playing on repeat. Polaroids in my head on beat. I run into the night alone.
And the images blind like crap.

You alone. On the bed.
Kurt broken-hearted in the portrait.
Alcohol and mascara make your eyes shine.
(by Mayla)

Marek Stelmaszyk aka AXAXAX is a Photographer and Creative Director based in Stuttgart - Germany. 

helloaxaxax.com  https://www.instagram.com/axaxaxmercury/

"Find Yourself" Dima Zharov

"Find Yourself" Dima Zharov

"It Means Love and Peace"  Lyubomir Ignatov

"It Means Love and Peace" Lyubomir Ignatov